5 Reasons to Choose Root Canal Therapy | Newark CA

Posted on July 12 2019

root canal therapy

The root canal system of a natural tooth extends from the tip of the tooth to end of the root, and contains the pulp, which is the soft tissue material comprising blood vessels and nerves, at the center of the tooth. In the event that the pulp becomes infected or inflamed, it must be removed and the area disinfected in order to save the tooth. Dental material can then be added to the root canal to maintain proper function of the tooth. This entire process of saving the tooth is known as root canal therapy. 

There are several reasons why people choose root canal therapy, including:

1. Biologically-friendly 

The only other treatment option for a tooth with an infected pulp is extraction of the tooth. But canine teeth or molars are large and functionally important teeth, such that removing them would pose a challenge, in addition to creating a large wound that needs careful management.  

2. Cost-saving by eliminating the need for additional dental work 

Extraction would then be followed by replacement with partial dentures, bridgework, or implants to restore chewing function, aesthetic of your smile, and to keep adjacent teeth from shifting. But since all these options require either surgery or dental procedures on adjacent healthy teeth, they tend to be more time consuming and expensive than the restoration of the tooth with root canal therapy. 

3. Durability 

As effective as tooth replacement is, nothing is as good as a functioning natural tooth with the ability to last for many years to come. Because the tooth root remains intact, the restored tooth is firm and continues to stimulate the underlying bone like your other healthy teeth for strong jaw development. 

4. Restored normal function 

Endodontic treatment is successful in over 95% of cases and can help you continue to eat your favorite foods, maintain your natural smile, and eliminate the need for ongoing dental work, as a restored tooth can last a lifetime with proper care. 

Final note 

A root canal is not as scary and painful as people perceive it. Modern techniques and effective anesthetics make the procedure just as painless and comfortable as any other dental treatment. And once it’s complete, the pulp (nerve) will be removed and the tooth restored so you can function normally with no pain or discomfort.